Loan Process

Financial Aid Office Contact Information


Call: 808-984-3277

Fax: 808-984-3562

Mailing Address:

UH Maui College Financial Aid 

310 Ka’ahumanu Avenue,

 HI 96732-1617


Ho'okipa Building

Walk-In Hours:

Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 4:30pm

Financial Aid Personnel:


Davileigh Kahealani Naeole

(808) 984-3519


Karen Sakutori

Student Loans

Student loans are a form of financial aid. 它是学生(有时是父母)借钱来帮助支付大学费用的钱. 学生贷款必须由借款人(可以是学生或家长)偿还利息。. 联邦贷款由财政援助办公室管理. 私人贷款也由财政援助办公室管理(请与全球网赌十大网站联系以获取更多信息)

Federal Student Loan Information

有关联邦直接补贴斯塔福德贷款的更多信息, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, 和联邦直接父母加贷款本科生请参阅 Student Loans section on this webpage

Federal Student Aid Website

请注意,美国联邦学生援助办公室.S. 教育部结合了学生贷款的内容和特点.gov, and on the official federal student aid website STUDENTAID.GOV  Future updates may be in progress.

How To Apply For a 全球网赌十大网站 Student Loan

Requesting a Student Loan

For more information, 学生可以致电经济援助办公室808-984-3277或发送电子邮件至

如果您准备申请学生贷款,请填写此表格 Loan Request Form. This form should be completed AFTER 学生收到毛伊大学奖学金的通知.

Note: To be eligible for a loan, 学生必须在申请贷款的学期内注册至少6个符合条件的学分.

After your loan is certified and approved, 您将收到全球网赌十大网站财务援助办公室的电子邮件,其中包含有关完成以下直接贷款流程的信息.

Completing the Direct Loan Process

如果你以前在毛伊大学获得过联邦直接贷款, follow the instructions below:

Go to and click “Log In” in the top right corner. You will need your verified FSA ID and password. 向下滚动并点击“更多资源”菜单下的“查看您的文档”. 确保你已经完成了毛伊岛大学的主期票和入学咨询.   如果这两个要求都满足了,就不需要采取进一步的行动了.

If this is your first 在毛伊大学获得联邦直接贷款时,请遵循以下说明:

After you have submitted a Loan Request Form 到毛伊岛大学财政援助办公室,你必须等待 ONE WEEK before you complete the Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) process below.

**注:如果你是大一学生和第一次贷款, 直到学期开始30天,你才有资格获得贷款, 届时,全球网赌十大网站可能会要求您核实您的上课出勤情况.**


您将需要验证您的FSA ID (FAFSA用户名) & Password).  If you do not have a FSA ID, click here to apply for one.

1.  Go to

2. Click “COMPLETE AND PROCESS” option from the menu across the top

3. Under Next Steps you will need to complete
Step 05 Complete Entrance Counseling for your first loan
步骤04签署贷款协议(填写主本票- MPN) Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans)

4. Click the “LOG IN TO START” button

5. Enter your FSA ID (FAFSA Username & Password) and click Log In

6.  按照完整贷款咨询屏幕上的说明 Entrance Counseling

7.  按照“完整主本票”屏幕上的说明操作. You will need information for 2 references.


如果你是一名新生,并且是第一次贷款, 直到学期开始30天,你才有资格获得贷款.

学生贷款拖欠率(CDR)及其与全国平均水平的比较. For more information, go to: